First order discounts and coupons

* First order discount offer is only available once in the first 10 days. Discounts exclude: literature, current promotions and permanent offers with discount.
* You decide your First order discount: 10% off your first order of at least 100 PV or 20% off your first order between 200PV to 300 PV.
* If you order for 100 PV we’ll give you your first Gift Coupon regardless of whether it is placed online or offline. From then on every order you place within any calendar month is included in monthly PV accumulation. You can use acquired coupons for order of at least 100 PV in next month.

Satisfaction Guarantee

Amway, by virtue of the attention it constantly gives to Customers, extends the guarantees provided by law and applies the Amway Satisfaction Guarantee.

The Amway Satisfaction Guarantee consists of the right granted to Distributors and end customers to return the products, at their own expense, without time limits for consumer products and within 90 days from the delivery date for goods classified as durable, obtaining refund in the manner described in detail on the Return policy.

Amway brands

* NUTRILITE™: Source, Euromonitor International Limited:
* ARTISTRY™: Source, Euromonitor International Limited: